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Section 38

Vocabulary nº 6


: To Lie (he thinks one thing but says another)

: Sincerity (he says what he thinks)

: To Drive

: To Look (an eye looking)

: To Look, To Appear (to be to the eye)

: Sun

: Moon

: Year (a complete circle of the sun)

: Month (a complete circle of the moon)

: Season (a part of the year, see mark )

: Plant

: Foot

: Lips

: Cloud

: Fog (see the proximity to the earth)

: Rain

: Snowing

: Storm

: To Create (from Nothing to Thing)

: To Destroy (from Thing to Nothing)

: To Begin

: To End

: To Arrive

: Nose

: Ear

: To Hear (Ear as a verb)

: Hair

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