Section 45.2
Language: people's speech, a language is the way people speak
By: This preposition is picted like the small picto for action because it indicates who o what does the action. For instance: This is done by hand - it is only in this sense that we can use ![](images/Section_45_2_2.gif)
To compel: someone walking because he is pushed from behind.
The: this article is normally implied when we mention a noun.
Therefore, means the money. See section 15 about the article The.
Union: political or social. Two persons together holding the same flag.
Spend: money going out. In the article that follows the verb is in past tense, so it means Spent: ![](images/Section_45_2_8.gif)
The number 10 with the little 9 up: it is the mathematical way to express a billion. It is a worldwide mathematical symbol.
Million can be picted as it is done in math, 10 to the sixth power (i.e. 106). Mathematics is already a universal language. It does not need to be converted into pictograms although we must say that we have entirely pictographic numerals, see section 16 on Pictos for Numerals.
To translate: words under a flag changed into words under
another flag, either as an interpreter (by mouth) or translating documents, books, etc (by pen) ![](images/Section_45_2_11.gif)
For the picto Language see section 45.1
Meeting: People sitting around a table but with the picto once to mean that they do not form a permanent body but are together for one session. Remember picto for Once in section 42 of the introduction.
The picto for Year can be seen in section 38