Section 4
The tenses of the verbs
The tenses of the verbs can be represented with a dot on top of the picto. When the dot is right on top of the verb this is the PRESENT tense.
When the dot is placed ahead of the picto (at its right side), it is FUTURE tense.
When the dot is placed at the left it is PAST tense. As we write from left to right, the right side becomes "ahead".
When we want to express a verb in a general way, Infinitive, we put an arrow on top of it.
This means To Go:  |
Also:  |
There is another way to represent verb tenses which is more suitable for sending pictographic texts through e-mail messages (please see section 52, when ready, for an explanation on sending pictography through internet), although it will not be incorrect to use it when we write by hand, for instance:
We write the verb to eat in future tense:  |
But we cannot expect to have registered in the computer all tenses (past, present, future and conditional). This would be an endless task if we had to do it for every verb.
The solution of this problem for the rest of the verbs is to use the picto thing and put or mark the signs of the tenses on this picto. We may say this picto acts in a similar way as do in English the words shall, will or did (I shall go, He did go, He will come, etc) to mean the tenses.
This picto may also be used when writing by hand.
I will go to work to-morrow 
I went to work yesterday 
I eat every day the same thing 
The days are becoming longer 
I have something to tell you 
This solution applies when writing pictography on the screen although it will not be incorrect to use it when we write it by hand.
See more about verb tenses in Section 28.